Procedural Safeguards
Upon completion of the written IEP, a Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP) will be issued to the parent for the parent's signature. The parent must indicate on the NOREP whether he/she agrees or disagrees with all or certain parts of the program and placement. If the parent disagrees with the NOREP, then a prehearing conference may be held. The parents and the school district each have the right to "waive" the prehearing conference, which means they choose not to participate, and therefore give up the right to have this conference. If the conference is held, it should provide school personnel and parents an opportunity to resolve the disagreement informally. Prehearing conferences can be requested by a parent at any time.
Other methods for solving disputes are the filing of a complaint, mediation and due process hearings. Student rights also include notice, consent and confidentiality of records.
Parents may obtain additional information regarding special education services, programs, and procedural safeguards by contacting the school principal or the Director of Special Education. Students who have been identified as not being exceptional for special education, as defined by special education regulations, may have written recommendations for regular education.