
    Student Meals During Closure

    Food Services Director: Jim Pritchard jpritchard@goldenrams.com


    Beginning Monday, March 30 and for the remainder of the school closure, Highlands School District will offer Grab & Go Breakfasts and Lunches on Mondays only between 11:00am and 1:00pm. Each student may receive a week's worth of Grab & Go Breakfasts and Lunches. Parents or students may pick up the meals at these locations:

    Highlands High School entrance door #23 nearest the student parking lot
    Highlands Elementary School entrance door #22 nearest the cafeteria
    The Hayden Center at Sheldon Park


    ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS: The Highlands Partnership Network is also offering these five additional pickup locations on Mondays from 11:00am – 12:30pm:

    First Avenue & Bridge Street at The Greg Blythe Friendship Garden, Tarentum
    West 6th Ave. Playground, West Tarentum
    Salvation Army, 917 Brackenridge Ave., Brackenridge
    Natrona Community Park, River Road, Natrona
    Village Green Apartments, 240 Village Green Drive, Natrona Heights

    Employees and volunteers are practicing suggested guidelines during distribution, including maintaining safe distance, sanitizing tables and changing gloves. Parents or students who are exhibiting signs of illness are recommended to stay home.

    Those in need of food or other services in the local area can message the Highlands Partnership Network on its Facebook page or call 2-1-1 for assistance and resources. Families in Fawn Township that would like to have lunches delivered should message the @HighlandsPartnershipNetwork Facebook page for delivery.


    Families in need of food may apply for SNAP or contact or visit a local food pantry. Click here for Food Distribution Resources in Allegheny County: https://alcogis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=abaca148492b47a7ad0d5a71f5d2c5e8

    Students and Families Food Relief FundApplication information: https://www.grantinterface.com/sl/20ETfH Families should contact Meg Hillman at: Meg.Hillman@unitedwayswpa.org