Task Force for Reopening Schools
Transportation Information
After months of uncertainty due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we look forward to bringing students safely and efficiently back to school. As we plan this process, please take time to complete the important information requested on this electronic transportation form by August 7, 2020 (see information below prior to completing form):
Prior to completing the form, please read and understand the following state guidelines for riding the bus:
· Students and parents/guardians/caregivers are required to perform a symptom screening utilizing this screening tool prior to arriving at school or the bus stop each day.
· Bus drivers and passengers must wear face coverings while on the bus, in accordance with the PA Secretary of Health's Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings issued July 1, 2020.
· Social distancing of at least 6 feet is encouraged at bus stops.
· All buses will load by filling seats from back to front to limit students walking past each other to find a seat.
· Students will not be seated in the front row of the bus whenever possible.
· Cohort (same students sit together each day) will assign seats and students from the same family will be encouraged to sit together.
· Tape marks or labels will be utilized to show students where to sit.
· A maximum of 2 students will be assigned to a seat.
· Individuals, including parents, guardians and other caregivers, will not be permitted on the bus, unless absolutely necessary (i.e., to assist a student with a disability).
· Windows, if weather permits, may be opened to improve ventilation.
· Buses will be disinfected after each run, and a thorough cleaning and disinfecting will take place daily.
· Sanitizing options on each bus will be available and use will be promoted.
· Students will be directed to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before or immediately upon entering the school.
In order for us to determine accurate busing needs for the 2020-21 school year, forms need completed and returned by Aug. 7, 2020 via mail, email or electronically. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding during this process. We look forward to seeing all of our students back in school soon!
Highlands Task Force for Reopening Schools Transportation Subcommittee
724-226-1000, ext. 4104