• Health Screening Checklist

    In accordance with the district's Health & Safety Reopening Plan, all students and staff must submit a health screening checklist upon entering the school building on every in-person school day. Access the checklist by clicking on the link below.


    Please note: There are eight on each sheet. Please print and submit one on every in-person day. If you don't have a printer, copies are available at your child's school. 

    Please refer to the symptom tool below in determining Covid-19 symptoms and whether or not the student should stay home.  

    Is the student experiencing any of the following?


    Group A

    1 or more symptoms

    Group B

    2 or more symptoms

      Fever (100.4 or higher)

      Shortness of breath
      Difficulty breathing

      Sore throat
      Runny nose / congestion
      New lack of smell or taste
      Muscle pain
      Nausea or vomiting

    The student should stay HOME if he/she:

    • Has one or more symptoms in Group A OR
    • Has two or more symptoms in Group B OR
    • Are taking fever reducing medication.