• Title IX Grievance Procedures

    Grievance Procedures to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    A. Eligibility for Filing: Any student or employee or any individual or group acting in behalf of a student or employee (male or female) may file any grievance of sex discrimination or sexual harassment with the Title IX Coordinators at the Administrative Center.

    B. Pre-grievance Contact: Prior to the submission of a written grievance to a hearing officer, the grievant(s) may request a pre-grievance contact with the respondent alleged to be directly responsible for the violation, and/or with the persons having immediate supervisory authority related to the grievance. These persons may make reasonable efforts to meet with the Title IX or Section 504 Coordinator to discuss the grievance that the student(s) or employee(s) wishes to bring to their attention. Such pre-grievance contact, however, shall be at the option of the grievant(s); it shall not be a precondition of a written grievance to a hearing officer.

    C. Grievance Filing: Grievances filed with the Title IX coordinator or Section 504 coordinator shall be in writing on a form provided by the coordinator, and shall provide the following information: name and address of grievant; nature of alleged violation; names of persons responsible for the alleged violation (where known); requested relief or corrective action (specification of desired relief shall be at the option of the grievant), and any background information the grievant believes to be relevant (e.g. names or groups of other persons affected by the violation, etc.)

    D. Grievance Forms: A grievance form shall be prepared by the grievant and the Title IX coordinator or Section 504 coordinator who will facilitate the filing of the grievance. These forms and a copy of the Grievance Procedures may be obtained from the Title IX coordinator or from the Section 504 coordinator located at the Highlands Administrative Center. The grievant shall have the right to request assistance from the Title IX coordinator or Section 504 coordinator or other individual, group, organization to assist in the preparation of the form or in the filing of the grievance.

    E. Time Limit: A grievance must be filed within 60 days of the occurrence of the alleged Title IX violation or the alleged Section 504 violation.

    F. Grievance Provisions: Prior to filing a grievance, the grievant shall be informed of the provisions and their rights, and shall be given a copy of Part V: General Provisions.