• Asbestos Management

    A formal asbestos management program has been in place at Highlands School District since 1976. The purpose of this program is to identify any asbestos-containing building material (acbm) that may be in our schools and to take steps to make sure tht this material does not present an exposure hazard to the students, faculty or staff. The asbestos management program is implemented through asbestos management plans. A separate plan has been developed for each building within the Highlands School District. These management plans identify the locations of the acbm in our schools, and detail our ongoing management program. The management plans also include descriptions of previous asbestos inspections and our plans for repair or removal of damaged asbestos-containing materials.
    Under our asbestos management program, the acbm listed in the management plans is inspected twice per year to assure early detection of problem areas. Furthermore, each building is completely re-inspected once every three years by a Pennsylvania-licensed asbestos inspector to make sure that all acbm is properly identified and that the asbestos management plans are up-to-date. An asbestos management plan is maintained in the Buildings & Grounds complex office. These plans are available for review during the weekdays from 7:00am-3:00pm.
    Highlands School District has designated Mr. Christian Reiser, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor, as the person responsible for ensuring that the requirements of our asbestos management program are met.