ANNUAL REMINDER: Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to review and understand the following School Board Policies. Visit the following link to search for the policies listed below: SCHOOL BOARD POLICY MANUAL
103 - Nondiscrimination
103.1 - Nondiscrimination / Students with Disabilities
104 - Nondiscrimination / Employment and Contracts
105 - Curriculum
105.1 - Review of Instructional Materials
108 - Adoption of Textbooks
109 - Resource Materials
200 - Enrollment of Students / Admissions Policy
204 - Attendance Policy
209.1 - Food Allergy Management
218 - Student Discipline
222 - Tobacco
226 - Searches
227 - Controlled Substances
233 - Suspension & Expulsion
235 - Student Rights & Responsibilities
235.1 - Surveys
237 - Electronic Devices
238 - Custody Issues
246 - School Wellness
247 - Hazing
248 - Unlawful Harassment
248.1 - Dating Violence
249 - Anti-Bullying
251 - Homeless Students
810.2 - Transportation Audio / Video
815 - Acceptable Use of Internet, Computers & Network Resources
819 - Suicide Awareness
824 - Maintaining Professional Adult / Student Boundaries