Class of 1988 ContactsGeorge W. Faltot III
Address: 200 Banbury Lane
Natrona Heights, PA 15065
Phone: (724) 540-5035
email: gfaltot@msn.com
George is retired from the Air Force and has returned to Natrona Heights with his wife and 2 children.
My current address is:
Stefanie (Babinsack) Rookisemail: stefanierookis@yahoo.comKimberly Ann (Buday) Sieminski1102 Gordon StreetNatrona Heights, PA 15065Phone: 724-224-7534email: kimandaj@verizon.netRachael (Black) Boldenemail: boldenra@yahoo.comMark KoprivnikarMark married Jennifer (Davidson) Koprivnikar, a 1987 graduate.