• Attendance Quick Reference

    Click here for the Quick Reference Sheet

    After an absence, a student MUST provide a written or email excuse to the school office. The excuse must include the student’s full name, date(s) of absence(s), reason(s) for absence(s), the date(s) the excuse was written, and the signature of the parent or guardian. The excuse must be submitted upon returning to school, or the absence will be classified as illegal. 

    Attendance contacts by building:

    High School: HHSAttendance@goldenrams.com 

    Middle School: HMSAttendance@goldenrams.com

    Highlands Elementary School: HESAttendance@goldenrams.com

    Highlands Early Childhood Center: HECCAttendance@goldenrams.com 

    Excused absences include illness, accidents, death in the family, religious reasons, or impassable roads. All other absences may be judged illegal.

    Parents and students should make every effort to schedule appointments for special services after school. Administrators and teachers discourage the practice of dismissal during school hours, but if it is necessary to be excused during the day, the student must follow this procedure:

      • Submit to the office, a written request from the parent stating the reason and time the student is to be excused. The excuse must be presented to the office one day in advance. (Requests made by phone will not be honored.)
      • After verifying the request, the school will give the child a special excuse on a blue slip.
      • The parent or guardian must report to the office to have the student released.