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6th Grade Social Studies Use Makerspace to "Slay the Minotaur"


finch minotaurs

Mr. Elijah Butler's 6th grade social studies class recently visited the HMS Makerspace for an extension activity that correlated with their lessons about Ancient Greece and the story of Theseus and the Minotaur. After a class discussion about the story, students created their own version of Theseus' travels to slay the minotaur. Using Finch robots, students created a code that would allow the Finch robot to travel through a maze to slay the minotaur (pop a balloon). This extension activity allowed students to apply their knowledge of computer skills, reasoning skills, teamwork, and spatial recognition to create a successful code to travel through the maze. Thank you to HMS Library Media Specialist Mrs. Jen Kosior for helping coordinate this makerspace activity! 

CHECK OUT all the photos and videos here: