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High School History Students Visit Washington, DC


Students from Michelle Dickerson's High School AP US History, Holocaust & Genocide Studies and Honors US History classes enriched their learning with a trip to Washington, DC on May 8. Accompanied by Mrs. Dickerson and HS Library Media Specialist Kristen Gettens, students had a chance to view artifacts from the Holocaust at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, as well as talk with a Holocaust survivor. After lunch on the National Mall, students had an opportunity to explore the Museum of American History and exhibits that brought to life their classroom learning. 

"A lot of students were deeply impacted by the Holocaust museum and walked away with a lot of questions, but also a lot to share," said Dickerson. Many students told their families about the trip when they got home and shared stories about the experience with their teachers the next day.  
At the American History museum, students had a chance to see in person things they learned about this year, from advances in transportation to WWII-era propaganda, to inventions, entertainment and culture. "Our time in that museum was really valuable, and it was great to see students making connections to the classroom," said Dickerson.