• Office Hours, Zoom links and Contacts!

    Mr. Hanzlik   HVA Science 7 & 8   2:20-3:00, MTWR   Mr. Hanzlik's Zoom

    Mr. Schmitt   HVA World Cultures 7, US History 8   1:50-2:15, MTWR   Mr. Schmitt's Zoom

    Ms. Schoepf   HVA ELA 7 & 8   2:20-3:00, MTWR   Ms. Schoepf's Zoom

    Ms. Wagner   HVA Pre-Algebra, Algebra, 7 & 8   11:50-12:20, MTWR   Ms. Wagner's Zoom

    Asychronous learning continues!

    Our seventh and eighth grade students in HVA are continuing with Edgenuity, our online independent platform for their academic classes. The curriculum is aligned to our state standards, so you can be sure your students are learning what they need to learn. This platform has served our 7-12 grade students for several years.

    Google Classroom, too?

    While Edgenuity offers strong academic content, our related arts classes are housed in Google Classrooms facilitated directly by Highlands teachers. Our seventh and eighth graders will take Career Exploration, PE, Health and Art through Google classroom.

    Students will also have a Google classroom for their homeroom teachers who will connect them with announcements and help them stay on track.


    Students must engage in their classes in Edgenuity for three hours of active time to be marked present. This time will not register as active if a child steps away from the computer for an extended period, so please make sure you check your child's daily log. Teachers in the related arts will communicate with teachers in the academic classes for student participation as well. Most students require more than three hours to be successful in the Edgenuity platform.

    Please reach out to your student's homeroom teacher with questions.