Middle School Academics
Grading Scale
All subjects except special subjects shall be graded on the following basis:A - Excellent: 90-100%
B - Above Average: 80-89.99%
C - Average: 70-79.99%
D - Below Average: 60-69.99%
F - Failure: Below 60%
The F rating indicates that the pupil has not attained a satisfactory level of achievement. It is suggested that the parents call the school to arrange a conference with the teacher.
To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities students must not receive less than 60% in two major subjects. Students will be evaluated after the second week of classes and each week thereafter to determine eligibility. If a student is failing (less than 60%) in two academic subjects for the week they are ineligible to participate for the next week. Any student assigned to after school alternative is ineligible to participate in any extra curricular activity, athletics, band, play, dances, etc.