• Health Services

    Annual Screenings

    1. Heights and weights are required for all children in all grades. Measurements will be done by a certified school nurse or under the direction of a certified school nurse. All students will be sent a Body Mass Index (BMI) letter indicating their Height, Weight and BMI result.
    2. Scoliosis screening will be done in Grade 6 and Grade 7 by the certified school nurse or by a teacher certified in scoliosis screening. The parent/guardian will be notified if scoliosis is suspected or detected by a school nurse. A referral for further evaluation by their private physician will also be provided.
    3. Annual vision screening is required for all children in all grades. Students in Grade 1 are tested for plus lens, depth perception and color vision deficiency. The Snellen eye charts are used for vision exams. All students are checked annually for distance and close-up vision. Referrals are sent home to parent/guardians of those students who failed the vision screening. The vision screening is done by a certified school nurse, or under the direction of the certified school nurse.
    4. Annual hearing screening is required for all children in Grades K-3, 7 and 11. The Pure-Tone Audiometer is used for hearing screenings. Referrals are sent to parents/guardians of those students who failed the hearing screening. The hearing screenings are done by a certified school nurse or under the direction of the certified nurse.
    All results of the screenings are recorded on the student health record.