• Highlands High School


    I.  GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS:  Graduation requirements are based on the standards set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Highlands School District Board of Directors and Administration. 

    Graduating students must have demonstrated proficiency in the following areas: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Environment and Ecology, as determined through successful completion of secondary level coursework in English Literature, Algebra I and Biology, in which a Keystone Exam serves as an end of course test.  

    Every student must successfully complete one credit in English, math, science and social studies each year. Currently, the minimum 24 credits required for graduation and participation in commencement exercises are: 

    English - 4 credits

    Social Studies - 3 credits

    Mathematics - 3 credits

    Science - 3 credits

    Electives - 7 credits

    PE/Health/Aquatics - 2 credits

    Humanities - 2 credits

    II. THE MENTOR / PORTFOLIO PROGRAM:  All students must successfully complete the Highlands High School Mentor / Portfolio Program as a requirement for graduation. Mentor assignments, community service hours, and career preparation activities will be included in the portfolio. Prior to graduation, each senior will present his/her portfolio to a small portfolio committee.

    III. KEYSTONE EXAMS:  All students must take the state-mandated series of Keystone tests and achieve a passing score in the Proficient range on each test to fulfill this graduation requirement. Students who receive an unsatisfactory score on any of the tests will be required to demonstrate proficiency through completion of coursework and retesting or a state-approved project based assessment.

    In order to participate in Commencement Exercises, a senior must have completed all graduation requirements prior to Commencement.  Once students have successfully completed all requirements for graduation, they will have officially concluded their educational program at Highlands High School and will graduate.