• 2018-19  SAT/PSAT/ACT Testing Schedule
    Please contact the Guidance Office for the current testing fees and testing sites.
    8/25/18 - SAT I&II
    9/8/18 - ACT
    10/6/18 - SAT I&II at HIGHLANDS
    10/10/18 - PSAT/NMSQT at HIGHLANDS
    10/27/18 - ACT 
    11/3/18 - SAT I&II
    11/21/18 - ASVAB - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery at HIGHLANDS
    12/1/18 - SAT I&II
    12/8/18 - ACT
    2/9/19 - ACT
    3/9/19 - SAT
    4/13/19 - ACT
    5/4/19 - SAT I&II at HIGHLANDS
    6/1/19 - SAT I&II
    6/8/19 - ACT
    7/13/19 - ACT
    ACT - American College Test - $46 no writing; $62.50 with writing
    PSAT - Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (All Juniors; Sophomores may req/fee)
    SAT I - Scholastic Assessment Test (Reasoning) - $47.50; $64.50 with essay
    SAT II - Scholastic Assessment Test (Subjects) - extra fees apply
    AP - Advanced Placement Testing - May 2019 (approx. $94)
    Highlands College Board Code: 392857 (This number must appear under 'School Code' in order for the Guidance Office to receive your scores - regardless of of where you take the SAT or ACT.)