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Highlands High School
Our School
Bell Schedule
Discipline Updates
Attendance Procedures
Student-Parent Handbook
Visitors to the School
Principal - Michael Toole
Assistant Principal - Kaitlyn Selfridge
Dean of Students - Thomas Stanko
HS Staff Directory
Advanced Placement
After-School Tutoring
Art Department
Department Chairs
Distributive Education Dept.
Electives Offered at HHS
English Department
Fire Service Training Course
Forbes Road CTC
Gifted Support (GATE)
Graduation Requirements
Health/Phys Ed Department
Junior Apprentice Advantage (JAA)
Math Department
Music Department
Program of Studies 2023-24
Science Department
Social Studies Department
Special Education Department
Technology Education Department
World Languages Department
Art as a Means of Writing
Brown & Gold Awards
Dual Enrollment Opportunities
National College Testing
Project 720
STEAMM Academy
Graduation Information
High School Profile
Jostens - Class Rings, Graduation
Rampages On-line Newspaper
Summer School 2020
2022-23 Course Scheduling
AFS Program
Global Scholars Program
HS Cafe
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Weekly Announcements
Keystone Exam Info
Keystone Exam Information
Welcome to the High School Library
Clubs & Activities
Clubs & Activities Offered at HHS
High School Art Club
Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement
Project Connect/Student Assistance Program
Ram's Den Writing Center
School Counseling
Health Services
Armstrong, Sherry - Math
Arnold, Jennifer - Math
Bengel, Todd - Social Studies
Beresik, Matthew - Instrumental Music
Bonnett, Jamee - Science
Carrarini, Beth - School Counselor
Colberg, Trina - German
Cressler, Shawn - HVA Coordinator
Dickerson, Michelle - Social Studies
Eckenrod, Melinda - LS / Math
Emeloff, Teresa - Art
Erb, Rebecca - English
Ferrante, Kristan - Behavior Specialist
Flow, William - English
Foster, Faith - Career & Workforce Readiness
Galcik, Jennifer - LS / Science
Gettens, Kristen - Library/Media Specialist
Glesk, Kasara - English
Gurrera, Susan - School Counselor
Hanzlik, Walt - Physics
Hartner, Lauren - Art
Katz, Colleen - English
Kirin, Tyler - Social Studies
Kremer, Carolyn - English
Krynicki, Daniel - Math
Lucchino, Kristen - PE/Health
Macura, Rich - LS / Comp Apps
McLafferty, Jeff - Science
McLaughlin, Christine - Life Skills
Melczak, Autumn - Social Studies
Millburn, John - Phys Ed
Murdock, Jordan - Math
Novak, Joe - Spanish
Pollick, Luke - Phys Ed
Proano, Laura - Spanish
Salm, Jeremy - Emotional Support
Sespico, Matt - Science
Silverman, Scott - LS / Math
Skwortz, Marilyn - School Counselor
Stack, Catherine - Science
Sterling, Renae - FCS
Stiff, Matthew - Tech Ed
Taladay, Matthew - Science
Thompson, Jordan - Social Studies
Wagner, Christine - Math
Webb, Casey - Science
Wells, Zachary - Finance/Business
White, Nicole - Math
Whitesell, Noel - English
Yoder, Renae - Art
Zeiler, Michael - Vocal Music
Wagner, Christine - Math
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Teacher Bio
Highlands High School
Teacher Bio
Christine Wagner
Math Teacher
Highlands High School
724-226-2400, ext. 4102
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