What Does it Take to Host an AFS Participant?
1. A commitment to share your home, family, and culture with a teenager or teacher from another country for a year. Your guidance and support are crucial as this person learns about U.S. culture.
2. A bed for the participant - he or she can share a room
3. Meals and inclusion in normal daily activities
In return, AFS has a thorough support system
in place for you and the participant:
1. Our partner countries screen applicants to ensure that participants come here interested and ready to learn our culture and language
2. Local volunteers will assist you throughout your participants stay
3. We also have a 24-hour, 7-day a week hotline that you, your participant, and your participants family can use at any time
4. Participants come with their own spending money and medical coverage.
5. We also have strong rules that ALL particpants agree to follow while here no driving, or abuse of illegal drugs disciplinary action will be taken against particpants who choose to break these rules, up to and including being sent home.
For most host families, the toughest part is saying good-bye that is, until they learn that the friendship isnt over, it just takes a new form.
Interested in Hosting?
Local Contacts:
Call 1-800-876-2377 or visit www.afsusa.org