• STEAMM Academy Instructor Profiles
    John J. Malobicky - Intro to Engineering
    A graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point (BS: Mechanical Engineering), the University of Pittsburgh (Executive MBA), and Chatham College Graduate School (MAT), Mr. Malobicky is a PA certified level II instructor for both mathematics and physics. He has been teaching Highlands HS physics and engineering since 2001. Prior to teaching, Mr. Malobicky was an operations manager for the US Army Ordinance Corps; an engineer, capital projects manager and fabrication division manager for Elliott Turbomachinery Co., Inc.; and a quality assurance manager and operations manager for Leading Technologies, Inc. A Highlands alum, he is also involved in the Engineers’ Society of Western PA.
    Vicki A. Uhrinek - AP Calculus & Physics
    A graduate of Clarion University (BS: Secondary Education / Math & Physics), Ms. Uhrinek has 22 years of experience in teaching College in High School calculus and physics at Highlands HS. She is a PA certified level II instructor for both mathematics and physics, and serves as the Science Department Chairperson. Ms. Uhrinek has received numerous educational awards, including the National Society of High School Scholars Educator of Distinction Award.

    Ryan V. Wilpula - Literature & Multimedia Design
    A graduate of Gannon University (BA: Liberal Arts) with a Master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh (MA: Teaching), Mr. Wilpula has been an English teacher at Highlands for 13 years. He teaches four levels: World Lit, American Lit, British Lit, and AP English Lit & Comp. He was also the HHS yearbook advisor, and is currently the online school newspaper advisor. Mr. Wilpula was chosen in 2007 & 2008 to assess the open-ended essay questions on the AP English Literature & Composition Test. In addition, he is an Adjunct Professor of the Secondary Curriculum and Methods Course at Carlow University.
    Michael V. Krzeminski - American Government
    A Highlands alum and graduate of Indiana University of PA (BS: Secondary Social Studies Education), Mr. Krzeminski has taught social studies at Highlands for 15 years. Currently the Social Studies Department Chairperson, he has taught Civics & PA History, AP US Govt. and Politics, World Cultures, and Economics. Also certified in firefighter instruction and hazmat awareness and operations, Mr. Krzeminski developed the Fire Service Training course at HHS - the first of its kind in Pennsylvania. He continually looks for opportunities to provide “Beyond the Classroom” experiences for his students.

    Teresa M. Emeloff - Art History & 2D Art
    A graduate of Indiana University of PA (BS: Art Education) with a Master’s Equivalency with credits from Ohio Wesleyan University & Gannon University, Highlands alum Mrs. Emeloff has been a Visual Arts teacher at Highlands for 14 years. She is also the Art Department Chairperson and a graduate of the Arts Education Collaborative Leadership Academy. She has twice received accolades in School Arts Magazine, and has instituted the Artist in Residency Program at HHS by hosting one or two artists per year since 2006. She is a member of the Pittsburgh Craftsmans Guild, Arts Education Collaborative Advisory Council, and the International Society of Glass Beadmakers. She also coordinated the set design for musicals and the Prom construction at Highlands since 1999.

    Matthew Taladay - Anatomy & Physiology
    A graduate of Clarion University (BS: Biology and Environmental Education), Mr. Taladay has been a science teacher at Highlands HS for 14 years. He has taught Biology I, Biology 2, Physical Science, Science 9, Energy and the Environment, Computer Applications, and Anatomy and Physiology (9 years).