Highlands High School Counseling
Career Exploration and Planning
Xello Student: https://www.goldenrams.com/domain/702
PA Career Zone: http://www.pacareerzone.orgThis site contains the complete text of current edition from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Students are able to do keyword searches for thousands of occupations Occupational Outlook Handbook: http://www.bls.gov/ocoEducation Planner: http://www.educationplanner.orgMy Next Move: http://www.mynextmove.orgMy Future: http://www.myfuture.comCareer Tech: http://www.careertech.orgRoad Trip Nation- http://www.roadtripnation.orgCandid Career- http://www.candidcareer.com/index.phpStudents can obtain career advice from working professionals in various different careers on this website. This website features informational videos that include job descriptions, interview tips and industry overviews.Best Jobs in the USA - http://www.bestjobsusa.com/
Best Jobs Database, Medical Jobs Database, Career Fairs, Corporate Profiles, and Employment Review Magazine.Career Jet - http://www.careerjet.com/
Careerjet.com is a job search engine for the United States# In one simple search, Careerjet gives job seekers access to a huge selection of jobs that are sourced from various internet sites, saving the trouble of having to visit each site individually.Career Magazine - http://www.careermag.com/
This magazine site has job/employer information, a resume bank, and career links.Job Web (National Association of Colleges and Employers) - http://www.jobweb.com
Career Planning Resources, Job search, Online Career Fair, Online Magazine, and news/events.Summer Jobs - http://www.summerjobs.com
Job search featuring summer jobs for students and temporary workers.Peterson's - http://www.petersons.com
Career Guidance Channel includes Career Wizard.Career Directory - http://www.careers.org
Good directory of other career resources.Online Career Center - http://www.monster.com
Learn How to Become- http://www.learnhowtobecome.org/
Provides detailed insight into 45 of today's most popular career fields, including accounting, engineering, medical assisting, nursing, firefighting, financial advising and teaching.Discover Health Administration Careers - https://discoverhealthadmin.org/careers/