Parent Volunteers
Children do better in school when their family takes an active role in their education. There are many ways to look at Parent/Guardian Involvement, and at least six different categories of involvement have been encouraged by successful schools. In the Highlands School District, parents/guardians are encouraged to become as active as possible including all these levels of involvement:
Parenting level - ensuring regular attendance, getting the child to the school bus or to the school building on time, calling to report your child is sick, making certain the child completes homework and assignments, congratulating a childs success and supporting the schools discipline, attending the Back to School Night and Parent/Teacher Conference Day
Communicating level - two-way communication includes home-to-school, sending in an excuse or doctor excuse when a child has missed a day of school, signing a homework planner each night, calling the child's teacher when there is a concern, returning calls from the school, keeping the emergency information current with accurate phone numbers and contact information
Volunteering level - joining and/or attending the PTO, participating in the school Title I PAC or other committees, helping with one of the many school-wide student activities, becoming a weekly classroom or office helper, reading in classrooms to groups of children
Home learning level - working on the class work and homework papers with your child to assess for yourself what your child knows and is able to do, providing the contact with teachers or tutors to assist your child with academic weaknesses
Decision making level - become involved at the public meetings and open forums of the District-wide Title I PAC, joining the PTO Board, working with other families to create an action plan for your school
Community collaboration level - participate in any activities at the school and in the community library and other locations, help to extend the contacts that our Board of School Directors has developed to involve community partners and local businesses in the education programs
Mandatory Clearances for Volunteers
All parent/guardian volunteers are required by law to receive background checks before taking an active role in classroom, PTO or school functions.