Highlands Elementary
Instructional Program
The goal of Highlands Elementary School's instructional program is to equip each child to be an informed, caring and effective citizen. Students are learning skills to read, foundational writing skills, the acquisition of facts and skills and being an individual learner as well as a community of learners. We expect our students to express ideas through speaking and writing, work with mathematical operations, investigate, inquire and collaboratively solve problems. All students are also offered experiences in Art, Music, Physical Education, and Library. Units of instruction in conflict resolution, bully prevention, nutrition education, career education, drug, alcohol, and tobacco awareness are part of the total curriculum.
We use the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) framework which is a comprehensive system of supports including standards-aligned, culturally responsive and high quality core instruction, universal screening, flexible grouping, data-based decisions, tiered services and supports and parental engagement. Students will be engaged in individual, small group, corrective, remedial and/or enrichment opportunities. We believe that students learn best when they accept challenging yet achievable goals and are given individualized, constructive feedback. We also believe that a positive emotional climate promotes learning. At Highlands Elementary School, the potential of each child is celebrated.
Materials & Supplies
Instructional materials and supplies are provided by the school at no cost to the student. There will be a charge for items that are damaged or lost. The amount will not exceed the cost of the replacement.