Art ClubArt Club is designed to be an extension of art class for students who love art. Most Art Club members are enrolled in art classes, but for some who can't fit it into their schedule they still have the opportunity to participate in art activities. Art Club activities include: field trips, fun art making nights, community service, and camaraderie with other art lovers. See Mrs. Emeloff or Mrs. Yoder if you are interested in the Art Club.The Art Club Visits Frank Lloyd Wright's famous FallingwaterThe Art Club in actionHighlands Art Club T-shirt Design, by Tara WrayAll Art Club T-shirt designs by Dominic Geracia and Tara WrayThe First place poster by Tara Wray for Clarion University's Hip Hop Politics of Morality SymposiumSecond place poster by Rachel Trusik for Clarion University's Hip Hop Politics of Morality Symposium.Tara Wray and Jesse Rellin painting the Highlands Class of "81" Banner for the Homecoming football game.Tara and Jesse