A201 Chemistry CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Mr. McLafferty
Rules for Success:
- Be on time to class and be present often
- Ask questions when you don’t understand
- Be respectful to all so that you can be respected
- DO NOT have your phone out during Chem
- DO NOT copy other’s work
General Items:
- Students are required to have a 3 ring binder for chemistry. I have some gently used ones that will be given out on a first come basis.
- Showing up to class prepared with 3 ring binder and writing utensil is the responsibility of the student.
- Any lab equipment that is broken or damaged will be charged to the student(s) responsible at a rate of half the cost of replacement. Amounts are posted in the classroom. Obligation will be turned in to office if not paid by end of school year.
- Students are not allowed food or drink of any kind in the room except for certain days with prior approval from the teacher. Gum is not allowed in lab area.
- Students are encouraged to buy own goggles to use during chemistry. Make sure goggles are rated Z87.1 or Z87+ or higher.
- All students are expected to pass my chemistry class this year. I am facilitating this with an ALL OUT BAN on cell phones being out while in chemistry.
- All students are expected to complete their own work unless assignments are group based activities. If your work or part of an assignment is identical to another student’s, I consider that cheating. Cheating = ½ or no credit for part or the whole assignment.
- Due dates for assignments will be strictly enforced. If absent, student has the number of days absent plus two to have arranged with teacher new due dates. This is the responsibility of the student NOT the teacher.
- For late arrivals or early dismissals, homework or lab reports are still due if assigned for that day even if you are absent during chemistry class. Students who are attending field trips are NOT EXEMPT from turning work in on the day it is due unless field trip covers 2 or more consecutive days.
- Lab Reports, quizzes, tests, homework and binder checks will be used to determine the student’s grade using a total point scale.
- Late labs MAY be scored for up to half credit up to the day when labs are returned to students.
- Late homework will usually not be accepted unless due to legal absence from school on day it was assigned or due.
- Parents are encouraged to check their student’s grade online often and contact me with any questions or concerns.
- Cell phone/electronic distraction were the leading cause of low grades last year for several of my students. Electronics may be confiscated if teacher sees it out without any individual warning.
Mole Bucks
- This is an incentive/reward program run by the teacher.
- Students may earn Mole Bucks (MB) by answering bonus questions on quizzes and/or tests.
- Students may also earn MB by providing rather insightful answers during discussions.
- Your birthday earns you a MB. Summer ones will be handed out first week of school.
- The real advantage to earning MB is turning in assignments late. Students may turn in a homework assignment ONE day late with 2 MB and suffer no penalty. Students may turn in a lab report ONE day late with 3 MB and suffer no penalty.
- Mole Bucks may also be converted into bonus points at the end of a nine weeks. Two points will be awarded for every three MBs turned in. MB may be saved throughout year for bonus points on the final exam.
- Mole Bucks are not allowed to be given, sold or traded to other students. You are not allowed to turn in another student’s Mole Bucks.
Contacting Mr. McLafferty:
- Email is the easiest way to contact me and I will try to respond that same day if sent before 3PM. You may leave me a voice message too. I try to respond to voice messages within 24 hours on weekdays.
- Please copy my contact information that is provided below.
Email: jmclafferty@goldenrams.com
School phone: 724-226-1000 X1201