• Information for Pre-K Parents

    Helpful Tips


    How Can You Help Your Child Succeed?

    Making sure your child attends class every day he/she is healthy.
    Checking your child's book bag daily. (No toys, books, or crayons please.)
    Giving your child a sense of pride in his/her schoolwork.
    Assuring your child that his/her teacher, principal, and other school personnel are his/her friends.
    Reading many stories and poems to your child.
    Seeing that your child practices good eating habits.
    Seeing that your child gets enough sleep.
    Going with your child to his/her school or bus stop every day and meeting his/her bus every day. An adult must be seen to put your child on the bus and to get him/her off.
    Taking time to listen, to encourage, and to show an interest in the things your child does at school. 
    Helping your child to help himself/herself whenever possible.

    Letting the school know where you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

    Teaching your child to dress properly (tie shoe laces, fasten buckles, button and zipper clothing).
    Notifying the school of any change of daily routine (a different destination after school, someone different to pick your child up, etc.).
    Enriching your childs vocabulary by reading to him/her, by taking him/her to a library, and by daily conversation.