Information for Pre-K Parents
Reporting to Parents
Before school begins, you will receive information about our program. A letter will be sent listing your child's teacher and the date and time of your orientation/get acquainted day. On that day, you will be given information specific to your child's teacher and classroom. Also, the Pre-K Family Handbook will be provided with the registration packet. Please keep and refer to this packet for many of your questions and concerns regarding our Pre-K Counts program.
Teachers are available by email, phone and in person (if you schedule a meeting). Each classroom teacher, sends home a weekly bulletin. The building principal and teachers can also send out Memos or letters to relay information. You are welcomed at anytime to visit as long as you clear our security system, called Raptor. Volunteering is also encouraged. This requires that you provide us with certain clearances and background checks. More information about volunteering can be found on our Highlands School District website.
Also, a day in November is scheduled every year for Parent/Teacher Conferences. The purpose of this day-long event is to allow parents to become acquainted with their child's teacher and to receive information on student potential, performance, and achievement during the school year. Individual report cards will be issued four times a year. The aim of these reports is to enable the home and the school to work together to help the student.