Health Services
Dental Health Exams
The Pennsylvania School Health Act, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and Highlands School District mandate that all children as first-time enterers (Kindergarten or Grade 1) in Grade 3 and in Grade 7 must receive a Dental Examination. School dental examinations may be conducted by the family dentist and reported to the school. All parents are encouraged to have their children examined by the family dentist so as to provide continuity in the child's dental care.
An examination done by the family dentist within the calendar year of that school year (from January 1) and recorded on the form provided by the school will be accepted for the required examination for that year.
Implementation of the Dental Examinations is the responsibility of the school administrators, school nurse, and the school dental examiners.
Procedure for Dental Examination by the Family Dentist
Each spring, before the close of school, the Private Dentist Report of Dental Examination, together with the Highlands School District cover letter will be sent to parents of all children in Grade 2 and Grade 6. These forms will also be distributed to parents of children registering for Kindergarten or Grade 1 as first-time enterers.
When school opens in the fall, determination will be made of the number of children in Kindergarten or Grades 1, 3 and 7 that have had a dental examination by their family dentist and have returned a completed Private Dentist Report form to the school. After October 1, this form and letter from the school nurse will be sent to those who have failed to return the initial form. Documents returned to the school will be placed in the student's School Health Record.