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    Helping Your Child Take Tests

    Tests are tools that can help teachers determine how well your child is doing in school and what your child's strengths and weaknesses are. Throughout your child's education, tests will be used to measure his or her progress, so it is important for your child to be comfortable with being tested.

    Here are some ways you can help your child prepare for tests and take them with confidence:
    • Make sure your child does his or her homework. Prepare a convenient, well-lit study space for your child.
    • Help your child plan ahead for tests. Highlight test dates on a calendar, and remind your child when tests are coming up.
    • Before a test, make sure your child is well-rested and has eaten well.
    • Let your child know that tests are important, but do not overemphasize them. If your child is nervous, reassure him or her that feeling nervous is normal.
    • Don't judge your child on one test score. If your child scores poorly, express confidence that he or she will do better on the next test.
    • Go over these test-taking tips with your child:
    Be sure you have anything you will need for the test, such as a pencil.

    Be sure you understand the directions. Ask for help if something is not clear.

    Skip questions that are hard to answer and come back to them. But be sure to come back to them!

    If there is extra time after the test is completed, check over your answers and look for careless errors.

    After a test, discuss it with your child. Find out how your child felt about it. Meet with the teacher as often as possible to discuss your child's progress. Ask how your child can improve. Have the teacher suggest home activities that will benefit your child in the classroom.


Last Modified on August 4, 2010