• Music Courses


    Concert Choir (9-12)                                                              

    Honors Choir (10-12, by audition)                                        

    Band (9-12 by approval)                                                              

    Honors Band (9-12, Director’s approval)                                 

    Band Front (9-12, by audition)                                                   

    Stage Band (9-12, by audition, homeroom only)                           

    Jazz Ensemble (9-12, by audition)                                             

    Theory and Harmony I (9-12, Director’s approval) 

    AP Music Theory (10-12 Director’s approval)                         

    Music Appreciation/Musical Theater Production  

    Music Technology (9-12, Director’s approval)                      

    Student Accompanist       (9-12, by audition)                           

    Vocal Techniques/Intro to Broadway & Beyond                                

    Broadway and Beyond (9-12)       
    For course descriptions, please refer to the Program of Studies.