Hello Kindergarten Families,
My name is Melodi Cochran. I have been teaching Kindergarten for 22 years. I began my Kindergarten journey at Fort Crawford Elementary school in the New Kensington/Arnold School District. I then taught for 12 years at Grandview Elementary, severn years at Fawn Primary Center, and now two years Highlands Early Childhood Center. Kindergarten is a very special place to be every single day! Along with the children, I am always learning and growing to provide the best educational foundation.
I attended North Carolina State University and received my teaching certification from IUP. I am a 1991 graduate of Highlands. I hold an extreme amount of pride for the brown and gold. My husband Dennis is also an alumni and very involved in our community. I have three children, Taylor, Emily and Luke. Five dogs; Milo, Willie, Ali, Eevee, and Rocky. I also have a cat Theo.
In Mrs. Cochran's Kindergarten classroom we build on friendship and family to create a nurturing and loving learning environment. We live by the motto that there is no "I" in TEAM. We work together, help each other, and care for one another.