• Highlands Virtual Academy



    How would my child benefit from attending the Highlands Virtual Academy?

    In the Highlands Virtual Academy program, your child will remain a Highlands student with the capability of choosing the program of study that works best for them. Most importantly, your child will be eligible to graduate with a Highlands High School diploma.

    Is my child eligible to enroll in the Highlands Virtual Academy?

    If your child is currently enrolled in grades K-12, then he/she may be eligible to participate.  It is required that parent/guardians first contact their student's School Counselor regarding HVA enrollment. If your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), an IEP Team meeting must be held prior to enrollment as this represents a "change of placement."

    Will my child receive a diploma? Is there a graduation ceremony?

    Students who participate in the Highlands Virtual Academy program will be eligible to receive a Highlands High School diploma and will also be eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies with all graduating Highlands students.

    What am I required to do if my child attends the Highlands Virtual Academy?

    We strongly suggest that a parent to be present in the home with any HVA student.  Parents/Guardians of HVA students must be highly involved in their student's online education as it requires additional resposibilites such as communication with instructions and monitoring student attendance/progress on a daily and ongoing basis.

    What are the requirements for graduation?

    All students must obtain 24 credits. Please refer to the Highlands High School Program of Studies for further information regarding course options and requirements for graduation. In addition, please contact your child’s guidance counselor for any questions you may have.

    Does the cyber program follow the Highlands School District academic calendar?

    Our online courses are aligned with the 4 grading quarters. Parents will have access to a Highlands High School grade report via Power School at the end of each grading period as well as the option to receive emailed daily/weekly/monthly progress reports (available for grades 7-12 only.) Our cyber students follow the same attendance calendar as our traditional school students. Attendance is taken on a daily basis.

    Is there a cost to attend the Highlands Virtual Academy?

    No. There is no cost for a Highlands student to attend.

    Will there be opportunities for social activities for my student in the Highlands Virtual Academy?

    Since Highlands Virtual Academy students remain enrolled in the Highlands School District, they have the ability to join any band, clubs, sports, or other activities offered in our schools.

    Who will supervise my child’s instruction in the Highlands Virtual Academy program?

    All instruction in the Highlands Virtual Academy program are supervised by Highlands School District professional employees who are highly qualified and certified to teach the courses in which your student is enrolled. Additionally, the Highlands School District provides administrative, guidance, and support services to all students enrolled in the program.



    Is the Highlands Virtual Academy curriculum accredited?

    The online curriculum provided via Edgenuity and Accelerate mirrors that of traditional courses and is aligned with PA State Standards and Assessment Anchors. Through our Highlands Virtual Academy program, we are able to offer additional elective classes online that are not offered in our traditional classrooms.

    How much time will my child spend doing school work during the day/year?

    All Pennsylvania students are required to attend school 990 hours for grades K-12. All courses are created based on this requirement. To meet the annual hour requirements, a daily calendar for work is established that will enable students to remain on target for completion of the courses. Please see the HVA Handbook for specifics for each course.

    Can my high school child participate in Forbes Road CTC while attending the Highlands Virtual Academy?

    We encourage students to pick the path that best fits their learning needs. Vocational - Technical students who wish to enroll in Highlands Virtual Academy may participate in either cyber or traditional courses when they return to campus from Forbes Road CTC each day.

    How will my child's progress be monitored?

    A student’s progress is monitored through the Highlands Virtual Academy coordinator both daily and weekly. In addition, parents with emails have the option to receive daily emails that show a visual report of your child’s progress. Students are able to view their progress each time they log in to their online course.

    How do you monitor cyber attendance?

    Attendance is monitored through our cyber service platforms. We are able to calculate the exact amount of engaged time as well as a student’s idle time. Based on the students’ progress report and data provided from these platforms, in a typical year, the school district may recommend that your child work on their courses at the school either during the school day and/or during after-school tutoring time to help them be successful online learners. 

    How will my child’s grades be determined? 

    Similar to traditional courses with multiple measures of student progress, the Highlands Virtual Academy assesses student progress in a variety of ways. Some examples of the assessment tools used include journal entries, quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and written projects. However, students do have the ability to redo all work until the student reaches mastery. Students will be required to submit assignments to their teachers for evaluation and feedback. Teachers will assess mastery and provide timely quantitative feedback for all grades.

    Will my child be required to participate in standardized testing?

    Yes. Depending on their grade, all students in the Highlands Virtual Academy program are required to participate in district and state-mandated standardized testing. Students in grades 3-8 are required to participate in Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) in the areas of Math, English Language Arts and Science. Based on their scheduled and previously completed courses, Highlands Students grades 9 -12 will participate in Keystone testing in Algebra, Biology and English.