• HVA Enrollment Procedure

    Successful participation in the Highlands Virtual Academy requires motivation, self-discipline, basic computer skills, and the ability to work independently for several hours each day. Students must be able to manage their time and work productively in a less structured learning environment, often with less individual assistance and support than in a traditional classroom setting.

    Only students currently enrolled in the Highlands School District are eligible to participate in Highlands Virtual Academy.  Complete enrollment forms and records must be submitted to the appropriate school, before inquiring about Highlands Virtual Academy.

    Full Time Enrollment: (Edgenuity/Accelerate, Grades K-12) Full time students complete all their academic and elective courses online.  It is the expectation of Highlands School District that HVA students complete their work off site and do not physically report to Highlands’ facilities, with the exception of scheduled office/support hours with subject area instructors or as required for success.  Students who are also enrolled in Forbes Road Career & Technology Center are  held to the same participation and attendance standards.

    Part Time Enrollment: (Edgenuity Only, Grades 9-12)  Mixed Schedule/Credit Recovery students complete the bulk of their academic on-site classes at Highlands High School.  HVA classes supplement current curriculum, relieve schedule conflicts, and/or allow an opportunity for students to recover credit for failed classes.

    1. The first step of enrollment is to contact the child’s School Counselor to inquire if HVA is an appropriate placement option.  This will include a review of the student’s academic and discipline records.

    Issues that may disqualify a student from participation: 

      • Required credits and/or graduation requirements cannot be earned through HVA in a timely fashion
      • Available course options do not match student’s career focus and/or special interests
      • Poor record of past academic engagement and/or performance
      • Previous unsuccessful enrollment in HVA
      • Excessive absences/truancy
      • Disciplinary concerns, including students with pending disciplinary matters, and/or those who entered into legally binding agreements with the district in lieu of formal expulsion
    1. If applicable, the student's special education roster teacher will verify that needed supports are available to ensure successful participation in HVA courses.  The student’s IEP and NOREP must be updated, indicating a change in educational placement and available services, before enrollment in HVA.
    2. If HVA is determined to be the appropriate placement, the school administrator will provide final approval.
    3. The HVA Coordinator will set up the student’s Edgenuity/Accelerate account and add classes.  High School students may be contacted to select electives or inquire about class changes if necessary.
    4. The HVA Coordinator will schedule a mandatory orientation meeting with parent and student.  Additional information is available online at https://www.goldenrams.com/domain/876 or you can search “orientation” at goldenrams.com.
    5. Students are to remain enrolled in HVA for the entire grading period, discipline, or academic progress concerns notwithstanding. At the interim and end of each nine-week grading period, student performance will be reviewed by the HVA staff.  Staff may request a meeting with the parent/guardian, student, and appropriate staff, to discuss the student’s continued placement within HVA.  Students who are unsuccessful or non-compliant with program requirements, are subject to a schedule or placement change.