• PSBA Take Action Issues

    The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) plays a critical role in drafting, analyzing and helping legislation pass that will positively affect public education, as well as fighting those bills that could have negative consequences.  The association has a daily presence in Harrisburg representing the views of school directors with legislators and other policymakers.

    Influencing legislation and shaping the public debate on key education issues also depends upon the grassroots involvement of PSBA’s members. The association provides the information, tools and opportunities for school officials to become strong advocates for public education.  The goal is to help school directors build real relationships with legislators and keep the issues at the forefront throughout the year.

    The Highlands School Board and PSBA encourages parents and residents to "take action" on issues that affect public education by contacting legislators. Click on the link below to read about the current educational issues and to send a letter to legislators through PSBA's website.  
